Fan Palms

These beautiful palms inject the tropics into your garden. They become the centrepieces for your tropical garden providing a verdant green backdrop for colorful crotons, cordylines and bromeliads to be displayed against and around highlighting their color and form.

Chinese Fan

Locality of Origin: China, Japan, Taiwan and other localities
Type of Palm / Leaf Type: Palmate, fan palm
Solitary/Suckering: Solitary
Plant Height Mature: 20 to 30 feet in many decades
Comments on Trunk: Thickness 12 inches, smooth below any old attached leaves. This species is very slow to put on trunk height.
Sun Requirements: Full or part sun. In deserts less sun
Cold Tolerance: To a low of 18 degrees, most likely lower
Speed of Growth: Extremely slow
Particular Characteristics: Leaves are green, droopy at the ends and leaf stems are armed. Leaf segments are divided and leaves are glossy. Old leaves can remain after turning brown.
Rarity: Minimally rare
General Description/Comments: This fan palm is fairly common to see. It takes full coastal sun but can be used in part sun or strong filtered light. It is slow growing and very cold hardy.

300mm pot - $85

North Queensland Fan

Locality of Origin: Queensland, Australia
Type of Palm / Leaf Type: Palmate, Fan palm
Solitary/Suckering: Solitary
Plant Height Mature: 30 feet or taller in habitat - much shorter domestically.
Comments on Trunk: Fibrous trunk
Sun Requirements: Filtered light or some sun along the coast. Protect from direct sun inland
Cold Tolerance: To perhaps a freeze
Speed of Growth: Slow
Particular Characteristics: If you are warm enough to grow this species along the coast, it is quite nice. We've found that plants in shade seem to stall. But, given a few hours of sun, they respond and grow. In habitat, the larger plants are in full sun. Leaves are green and large. They are circular with divided segments.
Rarity: Very rare
General Description/Comments: This is a somewhat challenging species to grow but it can be done. Unlike other Licuala, this species want some sun.

350mm pot - $180

Cabbage Tree Fan

Locality of Origin: Australia
Type of Palm / Leaf Type: Fan palm
Solitary/Suckering: Solitary
Plant Height Mature: Over 50 feet in habitat
Comments on Trunk: Thin for height, about 12 inches. Clean but a bit rough to the touch
Sun Requirements: Full sun
Cold Tolerance: To about the mid-twenties F. or a bit lower
Speed of Growth: Eedium
Particular Characteristics: Leaves are circular but not a complete circle. Segments are divided and leaf color is green. Leaf stems are armed.
Rarity: Rare
General Description/Comments: This is a fairly easy species to grow and wants full sun. It is similar to Livistona decora which is more commonly seen. It likes sun and heat.

300mm pot - $75

Elegant Fan

Locality of Origin: Southern Thailand and Malaysia
Type of Palm / Leaf Type: Palmate, Fan Palm
Solitary/Suckering: Solitary
Plant Height Mature: 10 to 15 feet mature
Comments on Trunk: Trunks are narrow and fibrous. They support long petioles which attach to the circular leaves.
Sun Requirements: Filtered light
Cold Tolerance: To about a freeze. Many have grown this species in protected areas of So Cal.
Speed of Growth: Slow
Particular Characteristics: This palm has near circular, very flat green leaves attached to a long green leaf stem. The leaves are gently pleated and have minimal openings at the ends of their segments. Thus, it looks like a big flat circular leaf. They are very striking and beautiful.
Rarity: Very rare
General Description/Comments: This is a fantastic species to try in a protected area with filtered light. Highly recommended from a beauty point of view but there's always a bit of cold risk.

300mm pot - $120

Palms for Sale


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