Philodendron 'Rojo Congo'' - $60 A beautiful tropical hardy Philodendron with big thick glossy green leaves. This Philodendron is a great tropical potted specimen for the patio as it is not a climber and always looks lush and bushy, a real beauty. Typical height: 60cm (clumped) |
Philodendron 'Rojo Congo', red form' - $60 A beautiful tropical hardy Philodendron with big thick glossy dark green leaves with red underside and red stems. This Philodendron is a great tropical potted specimen for the patio as it is not a climber and always looks lush and bushy, a real beauty. Typical height: 60cm (clumped) |
Philodendron 'Burle Marx' - $15 A beautiful tropical hardy Philodendron with big thick glossy green leaves. Slow climbing growth habit so is a nice clumping garden specimen and can be controlled. This Philodendron is a very good low maintenance under-storey filler or climber to hide unsightly tree trunks etc. Typical height: 70cm (clumped) |
Philodendron 'Congo'' - $15 A hardy and robust philodendron with thick glossy green leaves. The short fat stem is barely visible and provides the plants with a strong upright growth habit. This philodendron is an excellent low maintenance under-storey filler or indoor pot plant. Typical height: 70cm |
Philodendron 'Anderson's Red'' - $15 Another hardy Philodendron with thick glossy green leaves with burnished red/gold edges and dark red leaf stems. Has a very strong climbing habit so is excellent for covering tree trunks, sheds, trellices etc. It is a great low maintenance climber tolerating some full sun and part shade. Typical height: Will climb 20mts. |
Philodendron 'Lacanus'' - $15 A hardy and robust philodendron with thick glossy green leaves. The short fat stem is barely visible and provides the plants with a strong upright growth habit. This philodendron is an excellent low maintenance under-storey filler or indoor pot plant. Typical height: 70cm |
Philodendron 'Bippenifolium'' - $15 A hardy and robust philodendron with thick glossy green leaves. The short fat stem is barely visible and provides the plants with a strong upright growth habit. This philodendron is an excellent low maintenance under-storey filler or indoor pot plant. Typical height: 70cm |
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